New Lyrics: The Ramblin Kind

I’ve always said that my songs take a while to write … longer than most. I’m a firm believer in letting songs write themselves and reach maturity without being forced. With that, it’s no surprise that I finished writing a song TODAY that I started on November 11, 2007. Introducing The Ramblin Kind.

Though the lyrics are pretty self-explanatory, the abbreviated inside scoop is that, in my life, I’ve done the leaving and I’ve been left behind. When I started writing this song in 2007, it was meant to be apologetic: Sorry Darlin, you got caught up with The Ramblin Kind. Ironically, not much later, I got caught up with a rambler myself and therefore the sentiment of the song morphed in perspective.

Years later, after the dust has settled on both sides, I now realize, at one point or another, we’re all part of the infamous Ramblin’ Kind. Enjoy the new lyrics.

[audio:|,The Ramblin Kind]

by tyler stenson © 2010

Ain’t it like the wind to never want to stay;
Something finally touches down
And all at once a gust comes and takes it away.
That old wind is here- then it’s gone.
That old wind is hell-bent on moving on.

So, let’s just say She knows how to go away;
How to keep from standing still
Just like a river, fast cars, birds and trains.
Let’s just say She’s sailing as we speak.
Let’s just say She’s fading by degrees.

Showing tell-tale signs that She’s alive,
Everybody is leaving something sometime.
Always leaving or being left behind,
We’re infamously the Ramblin Kind.

Some would say I roam because I’m made of stone
But they don’t know what I know-
I know once you’re in my heart, there’s no getting out.
Some would say I’m planted in the ground.
Some would say I’m impossible to pin down.

Showing tell-tale signs that I’m alive,
Everybody is leaving something sometime.
Always leaving or being left behind,
We’re infamously the Ramblin Kind.

It’s a lonely road I’m speaking of
And lonely lyrics rolling off of my tongue.
With a tell-tale truth in between the lines:
Everybody is leaving something sometime.

Always leaving or being left behind,
We’re infamously the Ramblin Kind.

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