Hellelujah and Me

Loenard Cohen’s Hallelujah (made famous by Jeff Buckley) has recently become a staple in my set and a shining star in my repertoire. Whether it’s played in a vaulted auditorium or a crowded bar, it seems that this song demands a respect. Though it sometimes gets a Shrek Soundtrack shout-out, it ultimately gains a reverent attention from the masses and has tendency to be very emotionally moving.

When I first made the decision to learn the song, I went online to track down the lyrics. To my surprise, I’m led to understand that Cohen originally wrote roughly 80 verses to his epic ballad and countless individual artists have since contributed their own interpretations across the years.

In the spirit of this co-op, I decided to learn a few of my favorite verses from Cohen’s original, as well as, humbly contribute my own verse to history. The video below from my AcousticConversations podcast, displays my version of Hallelujah and offers up my original verse:

Father, can you hear me now?
If you can, please scream out loud
Because I need to believe I’m getting through to ya.
I know it’s been the longest time,
But if you can hear me, show me a sign
And make the words I sing, sing Hallelujah.

Thank you Mr. Cohen for such a beautiful contribution to music.

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