Lander in the Oregonian A&E


On the day of the Lander Birthday show, we all awoke to find some surprising news. The Oregonian covered the Portland Songwriter Association Final and gave the Lander show a nice plug. Click here to read the full article.

With that said, the night was amazing. Though it was last minute, the birthday show proved to be successful. We sincerely appreciate everyone for coming out on such short notice and making the show such a great birthday gift. Thank you Crux Gallery for hosting such an amazing venue and db clay for allowing the after-math. The set was short and sweet but filled with bunches of new music. I was thrilled at the vibe in the room and the faces in the crowd- honored to play for the people who matter most.

The after-party was a great chance to thank everybody in person. It seemed to me that everone enjoyed themselves (some a little too much). Thank you Verbz for playing records and db clay for hosting the event… they did an amazing job making the lander birthday memorable.

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