3 Weeks til the Deadline

With only 3 weeks to go I have just barely breached the 50% mark of my fundraiser for my next album Long Before the Wheel. I’ve got all the confidence in the world that the goal will be met but I could still use everyone’s help in making it happen. The deadline is August 1st.

If you’re interested in donating toward my next album, please visit http://kck.st/clPNkY for details or simply send a personal check to:

Tyler Stenson
Attn: Kickstarter
740 Vernon Ave.
Nashville, TN 37209

Be sure to include your email address and other contact info so I can get a hold of you for your free copy!!

$5 = 1 free download of the album.
$10 = 1 free signed copy of the album.
$100 = 5 signed copies to give to your friends and a beaming mention on my blog.
$250 = 10 signed copies and your name in the liner notes of the album.
$1,000 = 20 signed copies and the title of “executive producer” in the liner notes.

Thank you one and all for making this happen. The record would not happen without you; therefore, I appreciate each and every donation big or small. Here we go!!

Elegant Folk Creative LLC | All rights reserved © 2020