Josh Ritter Portrait

About 18 years ago, I holed up in my parents’ basement for a week to draw each of my musical influences. It was one of the most immersive creative experiences of my life.

I’ve since discovered Josh Ritter. He’s a lyric-first acoustic crooner that changed the way I view songwriting—he’s the reason my pop-rock turned Elegant Folk for good.

Yes, along with Adam Duritz of Counting Crows, it’s safe to say that Ritter is one of my absolute biggest influences. But I haven’t been doing the art thing like I was before.

Well, until now.

I’m back on the easel. Inspired.

One could say there’s “a light where before no light had been.”

I’m drawing bits and bobs … and now an imperfect portrait of Josh Ritter. A writer who changed the definition of song for me.

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